
Blodsocker, sömn och mineralbalans
It's a common denominator for most things when it comes to health: blood sugar regulation,...
Light gives energy When the light returns, we usually get more strength to grab things...
Ancient Lakes Magnesium - Mineralmättat Förhistoriskt Sjösalt
Ancient Lakes is a product range based on concentrates of mineral-rich water from a prehistoric...
Hur fungerar mineraler i kroppen?
Which minerals are important for me? Is there a way to measure minerals that reflect...
Produkter, tips och hacks för ett maxat magnesiumintag
Products, tips and hacks for maximum magnesium intake The previous blog article was about why...
Varför behöver vi magnesium?
Why do we need magnesium? We have written about mineral balance before, but here we...
Den viktiga balansen mellan mineraler och spårämnen
Many people know the importance of the diet and the importance of taking supplements of...
Vad Är Magnesium? - Den Livsviktiga Mineralen
Our body is full of amazing functions that protect us and make us feel good....