Varför behöver vi magnesium?

Why do we need magnesium?

Why do we need magnesium?

We have written about mineral balance before, but here we write more about how important it is that we can both take up and then convert the minerals we take in. Most people who live a modern life feel good about getting extra supplements of magnesium. But why do we need it so much? Are we not getting enough through good food? Yes, in a perfect world it is. But the reason for an increased need for magnesium (and for special nutrients in general) depends on how our surroundings have changed since we walked barefoot with a spear on the savannah or collected clams on the shores. From the time we lived in harmony with nature and her rhythms, light and gifts until the creation of civilization...

The health of the earth, natural and unnatural frequencies and the needs of the body

With modern agriculture and animal husbandry, our diet has generally become more depleted in nutrients. It's not just about the nutrient content per se, but about the soil's micro and macrobiome: the presence of a wide flora of worms and insects, benign fungi, bacteria and perhaps even non-pathogenic viruses (new interesting research area) that help the soil and us break down the nutrients .

Industrial sprays and non-ecological farming methods deplete the soil and our intestines of good decomposers, and this leads to both a poorer nutritional content of the food and a poorer bioavailability of minerals.

Magnesium is a cofactor in hundreds of processes in the body, including:

  • Balance in the nervous system heart function
  • The immune system
  • Ergy turnover
  • Protein synthesis
  • The structure of the bone structure

Lifestyle changed very quickly

Phenomena in our environment that did not exist just a hundred years ago and that affect our nervous system, digestion, immune system and well-being, increase our need for magnesium. Much that irritates our nervous system today did not exist just a hundred years ago. Some didn't even exist a few decades ago:

  • Electricity and various types of radiation
  • Unnatural light ( natural light blog article ) and sound around the clock
  • Activity, stress and meals around the clock

Which disrupts the circadian rhythm and affects the nervous system. In the old days, we ate and were awake mostly during the daylight hours. Our clock-controlled genes are still coded for it. All of this increases our need for bioavailable magnesium.

How do we best get extra magnesium?

  • Via capsules and tablets that you swallow or via powder that is mixed into food or drink
  • Via concentrated drops in food and drink (or applied to the skin)
  • Through the skin as a lotion, spray solution or in a bath.

Magnesium through the skin is also called transdermal magnesium and it can:

  • Quickly provide a large uptake directly to the tissues
  • Relieve sore muscles and aches
  • Support detox of the tissues
  • Good for people with sensitive stomachs who find it difficult to ingest large amounts of magnesium with capsules or powder
  • Calm an overworked nervous system and prepare for good sleep

Transdermal magnesium is soothing with fast action. Try sinking into a magnesium bath after a stressful day or after physical exertion!

Different binding forms of magnesium

There are also different kinds of forms of the magnesium itself; it can be bound to amino acids, to other acids or in an oxide. Different forms of binding give different absorption and effect in the body:

  • Ionic forms, for example -chloride
  • Chelate and various amino acid bonds such as glycinate and taurate
  • Patented/trademark registered molecules where the bonds have been optimized to be able to deliver the maximum amount of magnesium via digestion and absorption into the cells. Some of these bond forms can deliver double the amount of magnesium compared to a single bond.

Tailor your magnesium intake

Different preparation forms and binding forms give different effects. You can optimize your magnesium intake by using and combining different forms that suit your needs. Try your way to the forms that give you the best effect. Magnesium is very difficult to overdose, especially through the skin, it is almost impossible to get too much. Some suggestions:

  • Magnesium glycinate in the evening
  • Magnesium malate to relieve fibromyalgia-like symptoms and excess acid in the muscles
  • Magnesium taurate for increased energy, best in the morning
  • Magnesium chloride for rapid absorption in case of general increased magnesium need, in case of headache or to support detox
  • Magnesium in the form of lotion or spray before, during or after exercise and physical exertion. It makes the muscles more durable and reduces training pain.

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