Matbaserade tillskott - varför?

Food-based supplements - why?

Cod liver oil - a concentrate of missing nutrients

Nutritious food or food-based supplements provide synergistic effects that we completely miss when we take synthetic or extracted and manipulated supplements. Our cells crave full-spectrum nutrition such as fish, shellfish and cod liver oil.

Food-based supplements - why?

By synergistic effect is meant when two or more factors produce a better effect than the added effects individually. The word comes from the Greek synergos, which means cooperation.

When we get nutrition through food or food-based supplements, the synergistic effects are several:

  • in addition to the nutrients themselves, we get co-factors that optimize the absorption and the body's use of the nutrients
  • often several different variants of the nutrients are included.

With a food-based supplement such as fish liver oil, the body can adapt its utilization of the nutrients to the maximum.

Disadvantages of synthetic supplements:

  • fish meat raw material may have been heated to filter out "impurities", i.e. remove everything else except certain oils
  • to get as concentrated a content as possible, certain special molecules such as EPA are extracted from fish meat. The molecule passes through a chemical trap.
  • with manipulation we lose parts of the raw material that are needed for our use of it. Or we get unnaturally high concentrations in the blood all at once.

Our genes are evolutionarily adapted to the fact that we consume a mixture of several nutrients at the same time. The sum of several substances together produces a better effect than individual nutrients alone.

Cod liver oil - not just in the old days

Here in the Nordics and on coasts around the world, our ancestors took advantage of the fish liver and its valuable oil. Nowadays we know that it contains not only essential fatty acids but also vitamins A and D.

When the sun hours decreased during the winter, fish and cod liver oil were an important supplement that allowed us to survive as a species.

Cod liver oil for immune system, thyroid health, skin, bone and brain health

Cod liver oil adds important nutrients in combination. Many of them we have difficulty getting in with today's diet:

  • true vitamin A - that is, retinol. Vegetables only contain beta-carotene, which must be converted by the body before it can be used as vitamin A. A plant-based diet provides only a fraction of vitamin A from its beta-carotene, and is dependent on, among other things, a healthy gut. With fish liver oil, we get ready-made retinol that can be taken up directly by the cells.

  • Vitamin D. Most people know it now - here in the Nordics, our stock of vitamin D does not last the whole winter, even if we are out sunbathing all summer.

  • Bioavailable copper. Bioavailable copper is important, among other things, for a healthy iron metabolism in the body.

  • the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA (Omega 3 family). They are necessary for cell signalling, brain development and work, healthy insulin action and support a healthy cardiovascular system.

But not all cod liver oil is created equal. Rositas is unique in many ways:

  • unusual purity. The oil is lab tested and the analyzes are reported openly. It contains no mercury at all.

  • Rosita's cod liver oil is neither pressed nor heated. It lasts a maximum of 10 plus degrees (like in the fish in the sea)

  • traditional methods from the Viking Age are used. The oil is carefully filtered.

  • only natural antioxidant is added.

Vitamin D is a potent substance

Vitamin D needs to be balanced with other nutrients so that we don't get imbalances in, for example, calcium metabolism.

When taking cod liver oil or other vitamin D-rich supplements, be sure to eat a traditional diet or take food-based supplements that are high in magnesium and vitamin K2 such as gut supplements or ghee . In this way, most of your calcium ends up where it belongs - in the bone structure and in the teeth.

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