
Vad är kollagen?
Nourishment for joints, muscles, detoxification and relaxation Collagen can reduce pain, calm the nervous system,...
Enzymer inte bara för matsmältning
Enzymes – not just for digestion Enzymes can reduce inflammation, shorten post-exercise recovery time, or...
Stress och binjurarna del 2
Which nutrients can give more stamina and energy? Minerals for more energy A simple way...
Vad är Paleokost
How did the foremothers eat? Evolution shaped us to survive during periods and in places...
Ketogen kost
Low-carbohydrate and ketogenic diet In our day and age, we have an abundance of fast...
Periodvis fasta
Intermittent fasting Fasting is not for everyone. Women need a more continuous nutritional intake to...
Smälter du maten ordentligt ?
The digestive system Digestion begins in the oral cavity, where enzymes and saliva are secreted...
Stress och binjurarna del 1
What are the adrenal glands? The adrenal glands are two small glands that sit on...