Den viktiga balansen mellan mineraler och spårämnen

The important balance between minerals and trace elements

Many people know the importance of the diet and the importance of taking supplements of magnesium in various forms. Not only as capsules and powders but with lotions, oils and baths, we can try to satiate the magnesium thirst.

However, many people do not know that minerals interact with each other so that the body can assimilate them. We need to get a wide range of minerals, including the so-called trace minerals that are measured in amounts as small as micrograms (one millionth of a gram). Life arose in the primeval sea, then and even now, salts and minerals are the prerequisite for life. Before birth, the unborn child swims in amniotic fluid with the same salinity. Taking trace mineral drops is a simple way to supplement the intake of individual mineral supplements so that we get as good absorption and utilization of the vital minerals as possible.

Role of Minerals:

• to balance fluid levels
• ensure that nutrients enter and waste products leave the cells
• regulate the work of non-voluntary muscles - heart rhythm, digestion and in other smooth muscles such as the uterus and the walls of the blood vessels
• regulate nerve impulses
• maintain blood pressure
• regulate acid-base balance

The balance between minerals and trace elements is just as important – if not more important – than exactly how much we get of a single mineral.

What can affect your mineral balance?

• diet
• medicines
• digestive function
• kidney function
• fever, diarrhea and other illnesses
• stress
• hormone imbalances, e.g. cortisol & testosterone levels
• sweating
• intensive training

Imbalance in the adrenal glands, thyroid or parathyroid glands is linked to mineral imbalances. People with exhausted adrenal glands, low blood pressure and who show low levels of cortisol and aldosterone often need extra potassium, sodium and magnesium.

Exercise, sports and mineral balance

Before, during and after exercise, you can benefit greatly from adding a balanced, natural mineral supplement. It is, of course, about the fluid balance, as you lose both water and salts when you sweat. But minerals are also needed during the actual energy production in the body. A steady supply of a broad mineral supplement can provide greater endurance and also shorten recovery. Trace minerals are alkaline and help break down lactic acid = less exercise soreness.

Ketogenic diet and electrolytes

When the body mainly burns fat instead of carbohydrates, you often lose weight. What leaves the body is primarily water. Insulin levels drop as carbohydrate intake decreases and glycogen is excreted along with sodium and fluid. Inflammation and swelling go down and thereby additional fluid leaves the body and with it come minerals such as sodium, potassium and magnesium. There is therefore an increased need for these minerals when switching to a ketogenic diet. To restore balance and reduce symptoms such as muscle soreness and fatigue, be sure to add extra minerals.

Mineral drops
When using products that come from the sea, it is important to be careful about where and how they are harvested and produced. Aussie Trace Minerals are harvested from the southern hemisphere where the purest areas are found. They are tested for heavy metals and other environmental toxins.

A mineral supplement with a varied content can be taken by everyone, in moderate amounts. Follow the recommended doses on the packaging. If you have kidney disease or are taking diuretic medications, always consult your doctor.
Jonna Höglund Dipl. nutritional therapist, blogs about primal lifestyle and health
Photo credit Cedric Frixon

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