Autumn in the northern hemisphere is usually said to begin at the autumnal equinox, when day and night are of equal length. The days are getting shorter and the angle of the sun's rays to the earth's surface is narrower.

Sunlight contains no or very little UVB during the darkest time at our latitudes. This means that even if we are then outdoors, vitamin D cannot be formed in the skin until the sun angle is wide enough again. This takes place in April – May.

Daylight all year round

It is important that during autumn and winter we still get the full spectrum of daylight that prevails in order to be able to form hormones and signaling substances for energy and to feel good, even if no vitamin D is formed.

Natural light during autumn and winter offers many advantages:

  • the sunrise gently awakens hormones and stimulates cell repair
  • morning light provides UVA which, via a naked eye, signals the brain to form, among other things, thyroid hormones and serotonin
  • stimulates a healthy cortisol cycle.

Traditional nutrition for resilience

Our ancestors in the Nordics – and in other cultures at extreme latitudes – used the liver and other internal organs of their prey. The liver of cold-water fish in particular contains plenty of the fatty acids EPA and DHA as well as vitamin A and vitamin D.

These nutrient dense foods along with other animal fat and protein rich foods compensated for the lack of UVB light during the winter months.

Difference between fish oil and cod liver oil

Today, we can also benefit from the unique content of cod liver oil. Cod liver oil is a completely different product than fish oil. And not all cod liver oils are created equal!

Fish oil consists of pressed fish meat. During pressing, an elevated heat or pressure can cause oxidation, i.e. the beneficial fatty acids can be easily damaged. Fish meat does not contain the important vitamins A and D, which are stored in internal organs.

Fish liver oil of the highest quality

Careful handling of freshly caught livers is the basis for preserving the properties of the fatty acids and vitamins.

Only a healthy undamaged liver should be used. Rosita's cod livers are rinsed and refrigerated immediately after capture. The oil is then filtered without heat, pressure, chemicals or fermentation.

They are preserved with natural rosemary extract and GMO-free vitamin E and bottled in dark glasses without oxygen to avoid oxidation. The oil is regularly tested by a third party for metals and other environmental chemicals. All data from the tests are reported on a responsible manufacturer's website.

Why take cod liver oil?

Cod liver oil is a so-called whole food supplement. The fish liver oil contains essential fatty acids, vitamins A and D in the right balance and minerals, especially copper. The nutrients have the right ratio to each other, occur in bioavailable forms, ready for the body to be used in important enzymes that, among other things, protect our cells against oxidative damage.

Taking cod liver oil supplements during the dark months provides invaluable nutrition that can:

  • support thyroid hormones
  • reduce free radicals and increase the cells' energy production
  • help the body fight infections
  • lower inflammation
  • contribute to a balanced intake of vitamin D, without megadoses.

Feel free to combine cod liver oil with a magnesium supplement and vitamin K from cow intestines , so the body can use the vitamin D in the oil more effectively.

Also read more about Rosita cod liver oil here

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