A holistic or biological dentist does not do root canals and does not use metals. Fillings are made of ceramic material, smaller repairs are filled with a composite that most people can tolerate. Implants are made with Zirconia (a ceramic).

Amalgam cleaning of teeth is a large area. The health of the teeth and mouth affects the whole body.

Mercury as a dental material was banned in Sweden in 2009 due to its toxic effects on the environment. Exceptions were allowed, but hardly used, until 2018.

If something produces toxic effects in nature, on the earth, animals, water and plants, it is not difficult to understand that this substance is also harmful to humans - so why would it be harmless to have it near the brain, in the mouth?

How quickly and to what extent someone is affected by a toxic substance depends on genes, other stress and lifestyle. Mercury is one of the earth's most toxic substances and many have or have had it in our mouths or received it via vaccines and other medicines.

A biological dentist knows how different dental restoration materials or infections can affect overall health. She knows how important it is to protect herself, the environment and the patient during amalgam cleaning. During such interventions, extra mercury is always absorbed into the body and there are methods that protect and detoxify during and after the procedure.

The holistic dentist may use:

Diet and dietary supplements

to counteract low-grade inflammation, acid attacks and bacteria. Nutritional therapy can rebuild dentin and jawbone, increase remineralization and influence how the jaws are shaped.

Therapies for respiratory tracts affecting dental health

Chiropractic, osteopathy, jaw massage, bite correction to increase oxygen uptake, counteract mouth breathing and snoring.

Methods that promote healing, bone growth and stem cells:

PRP - Platelet-rich plasma - injection of own platelets.

Biologically active peptides or stem cell injections can support the fight against infections and the rebuilding of tissue such as dentin and jawbone.

Antibacterial treatments:

  • infected jawbone can be detected with 3D X-ray
  • scraping out dead jawbone
  • ozone treatment
  • HBOT- Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment
  • antibacterial light therapy, laser
  • herbal extract.

Other lifestyle recommendations from holistically oriented dentists can be spending time outside, exercise, exercises for the jaw and tongue muscles.

Alternative and organic oral care for home use

Many toothpastes contain additives that should be avoided: coloring and preservatives, citric acid, hormone-disrupting substances or sweeteners such as maltodextrin, a starch (may contain gluten) - which you want to brush away from your teeth to avoid cavities! What are the toothpaste manufacturers thinking, you might wonder?

As long as we consume cereals and food and drinks with fast carbohydrates, caries is a risk and building a healthy microbiome in the oral cavity is the basis for both oral and systemic health.

Good alternative teething products for home use should be free of the substances in the box above and contain:

  • probiotics that promote good flora in the mouth such as xylitol
  • antibacterial oils or herbal extracts
  • low-abrasive substances if the product is for daily use

Quality products for oral care can also contain minerals, essential oils, coconut oil or cocoa butter, certain vitamins and are free of nano-particles.

Many also want to opt out of fluoride in toothpastes and mouthwash for various reasons.


Xu J, Gou L, Zhang P, Li H, Qiu S. Platelet-rich plasma and regenerative dentistry. Aust Dent J. 2020 Jun;65(2):131-142. doi: 10.1111/adj.12754. Epub 2020 Mar 24. PMID: 32145082; PMCID: PMC7384010.

Anitua E, Fernández-de-Retana S, Alkhraisat MH. Platelet rich plasma in oral and maxillofacial surgery from the perspective of composition. The platelets. 2021 Feb 17;32(2):174-182. doi: 10.1080/09537104.2020.1856361. Epub 2020 Dec 22. PMID: 33350883.

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