6 Fantastiska Fördelar Med Att Äta Torskleverolja

6 Amazing Benefits Of Eating Cod Liver Oil

Those of us who live in a country where the winter is long and the sunlight hours are few, can benefit the most from the benefits of eating cod liver oil. But what is really so good about cod liver oil? We at Naturshopen will answer that in this article.

What is cod liver oil?

Cod liver oil is a natural oil that comes from cod liver. Cod is a common fish that swims near the bottom of the sea. Cod liver is very rich in vitamin A, vitamin D, and Omega 3. Already in the 1800s, cod liver oil was used for children who received little sunlight, and has been a popular dietary supplement ever since.

A scam to watch out for (Vitamin D2 & D3)

We don't have many hours of sunlight in the winter here in Sweden. Sunlight gives us the important vitamin D which gives us energy and well-being for both body and mental health.
Cod liver oil thus contains the same vitamin as sunlight. It is a D vitamin, but specifically cod liver oil only contains vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Why is this important?
It is important because there is cod liver oil on the market that contains vitamin D2. It is a vitamin found in plants. It takes a completely different route through the body than vitamin D3 and is not absorbed well in our vitamin D3 receptors. High amounts of vitamin D2 can be toxic. So the next time you buy cod liver oil, take a look at what you're actually buying, so you don't get scammed. It's a shame that this happens in a market that has a responsibility to help people with their health, but it does.

You can also buy cod liver oil from us at Naturshopen if you want to be absolutely sure that you are getting cod liver oil that only contains VITAMIN D3. Click here if you want to know more .

We are proud to offer the best cod liver oil you can buy, from the company Rosita Real Foods Evclo, a role model in the market when it comes to high quality and trust.

Why is cod liver oil good for you?

There are many benefits of eating cod liver oil daily. That said, it's even more important for us who live on the northern side of the globe. It is incredibly useful and it is rich in vitamins A, D and Omega 3.
One teaspoon of liquid cod liver oil contains 90% of your daily requirement of vitamin A and 103% of your daily requirement of vitamin D.
Fish is one of the healthiest things in our diet (and tastiest).


  • Stronger legs
    Vitamin D helps the bones in the body absorb calcium and therefore makes your bones stronger and healthier. [ R ]
  • Helps painful joints and relieves arthritis
    Cod liver oil is an effective health supplement for those who suffer from painful joints.
  • Those who suffer from severe diseases related to joints such as arthritis get even more benefit from eating cod liver oil, as it helps against inflammation and pain in joints. Arthritis patients have needed less pain medication after receiving cod liver oil. [ R ]
  • Rich in vitamins A and D
    There are other fish oils, why is cod liver oil so effective and useful?
  • Other fish oil is harvested from the body and skin. Cod liver oil is harvested from the liver, which is very rich in vitamins. Vitamin A is good for teeth, skin, and vision. [ R ]
  • Vitamin D is important for giving us a strong immune system. It also regulates the insulin level in the blood. [ R ]
  • Protects against depression and helps mental health
    Vitamin D and Omega-3 give us better mental health and help us out of depression. It is proven that good levels of vitamin D and Omega-3 in the body are directly linked to our mental health. [ R ] [ R ]
  • Protects the body against inflammation
    Vitamins A and D are powerful antioxidants. They neutralize free radicals in the body that create inflammation.
  • Chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and cancer are inflammatory diseases that can be alleviated and treated with cod liver oil. [ R ] [ R ]
  • Protects the organs
    Cod liver oil acts as an antioxidant that protects our organs. [ R ]

Naturshop's cod liver oil: ROSITA EVCLO

We offer the best cod liver oil you can buy. It's called Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil. It has been named Extra Virgin because it is harvested in a natural way where no heat is used at all and all the quality of the oil is retained when it is harvested. When the oil is harvested, an unusual process is used that preserves all the vitamins and nutrients in the oil, making it very pure. That's because the method used to harvest the oil uses only nature, keeping the oil cold throughout the process. The fish from which the oylan is harvested lives in the cold waters of Norway, where the cod is at its best. The oil is 100% raw and contains no additives. The harvest is 100% natural. The fish is 100% wild cod. The cold water in which the fish live, as well as the cold process through which the oil is harvested, means that the oil is never exposed to any heat. It is as clean as the ice-cold Norwegian waters where cod of the highest quality swims.
You can find ROSITA EVCLO at Naturshopen by clicking here.

Are there any risks to eating cod liver oil?

Now you understand how good vitamin D is for us. But did you know that too much vitamin D can be toxic?
It is good to eat cod liver oil as a health supplement if you get too little sunlight daily. But if you get enough vitamin D through sunlight every day, eating cod liver oil may not be good, it may even be harmful. Now, it's not like your body is harmed because you eat a capsule of cod liver oil and then spend the day in the sun. As long as you don't abuse your health supplements, you're safe. Use it in moderation and common sense.
Too high levels of vitamin D in the body can affect your weight, eating habits, and cognitive function. [ R ]

What is the best way to eat cod liver oil?

Cod liver oil is available in both liquid form and capsules. Which form is most useful?
Both are equally useful. Cod liver oil in capsules is the same as cod liver oil in liquid form. So you don't have to think about anything other than really making sure that it's not vitamin D2 instead of D3 in your cod liver oil, which we went through further up in the article.

Why is it so common to eat cod liver oil?

The reason why many people eat cod liver oil is because it is not easy for us to get the daily requirement of vitamins A, D, and Omega-3, through our diet and lifestyle today.
This is largely due to the fact that at many jobs we sit indoors, without sunlight. We all don't eat enough fish and vegetables during the day.
Cod liver oil is a completely natural dietary supplement that is the best way to provide us with all these vitamins and natural oils that our body requires.



Cod liver oil comes from cod liver and is very useful. We can meet our daily intake of Omega-3 and vitamin D, as well as 93% of our daily intake of vitamin A, with just one tablespoon of cod liver oil. When you buy cod liver oil, be careful that there is no vitamin D2 in it, it should be vitamin D3, as real cod liver oil only contains vitamin D3. The rich amount of vitamins A, D, and Omega-3 are good for our bones, immune system, organs, mental health, and much more. Cod liver oil is a perfect dietary supplement for us who live on the northern side of the globe, combined with the lifestyle that is common today. It contains the vitamins that we often have the hardest time getting in naturally. It is available in capsule and liquid form, both forms work equally well. You can find the best cod liver oil that can be bought from us at Naturshopen, genuine cod liver oil that contains vitamin D3 and no vitamin D2.

Do you eat cod liver oil? Do you want to try? How does it work for you?

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